12 Experiments To Do At Home. DIY Science Experiment Ideas!
Today we'll make a few most popular experiments to test their safety level. You'll learn experiments that you can safely do at home and also that ones you should never try alone!
Supplies and tools:
- Banknote;
- Rubbing alcohol;
- Water;
- Tweezers;
- Lighter;
- Sand;
- Bowl;
- Gasoline;
- Baking soda;
- Sugar;
- Board wrapped in foil;
- Hand sanitizer;
- Food coloring;
- Dish soap;
- Butane gas;
- Carbol fuchsin (Ziehl Nelson’s or Castellani's paint);
- Brilliant green;
- Methylene blue;
- Ammonia;
- Candle;
- Fuel tablet;
- Calcium gluconate;
- Lemon and lime;
- Citric acid;
- Potato starch;
- Iodine;
- Coca Cola;
- Chlorine powder;
- Tall clear vase;
- Oil;
- Effervescent tablets;
- Paper;
- Milk;
- Brush.